The Coaches

Besides Dr. Orooji (the team's advisor), the UCF Programming Team has a large coaching staff that work directly with the teams, preparing them for competition. Most have been a team member in the past and now works closely with the teams each year.

Kyle Dencker

Kyle Dencker

Kyle is a two-time graduate of UCF that taught at Timber Creek High School for many years, leading a successful program there both in the classroom and at programming competitions. He is now an Instructor within the Department of Computer Science at UCF.

Chris Gouge

Chris Gouge

Chris rejoined the coaching staff of the UCF Programming Team in 2003, having been an assistant coach from 1988 to 1990. He competed on the UCF team for two years, placing 5th at the 1991 World Finals and 7th at the 1992 World Finals.

After competing, Chris assisted from 1992 through 1996 with the Southeast USA Regional contest. He co-developed a scoring process that kept that contest's score error-free for at least 12 years. Chris also helps organize the UCF High School Programming Tournament, and in 2018 he was recognized by the ICPC Foundation with the Senior Coach Award for having teams reach World Finals 15 or more times.

Arup Guha

Arup Guha

Arup is a Senior Instructor in the Department of Computer Science at UCF. He has been a coach with the UCF Programming Team since 2003, where he works with the teams and provides lectures on certain key topics. In 2019, he was recognized by IBM (ICPC sponsor) with the Coach Award for having teams reach World Finals 15 or more times.

Arup promotes programming contests as the high school level by running the SI@UCF Competitive Programming Camp, an intensive two-week high school residential camp that focuses on programming contests and writing the playoff questions for the Florida High School Programming Series (FHSPS).

Glenn Martin

Glenn Martin

Glenn has been a coach with the team since Fall of 1994. He originally competed as a UCF team member from 1990-1994. He has coached teams since then, with teams winning multiple times at Regional competitions and very highly at World Finals (including bronze medal and North America champions). In 2012, he was recognized with the Distinguished Coach Award for having teams reach World Finals 15 or more times, and in 2017 was further recognized by receiving the Lifetime Coach Award for sending teams to the World Finals 20 or more times.

Glenn also helps to organize UCF's High School Programming Tournament each year. Acting as Head Judge most years, he organizes the judging staff in creating problem specifications, solving the problems and making judging data for the competition. He is also developer of the contest software used at the contest and in most of the UCF team practices.

Atan (Tom) Phan

Tom Phan

Tom originally started in competitive programming by representing the University of North Florida (UNF) in the 1998 Southeast Regionals. Since that time, he has received his M.S. in Computer Science from FIT and has been working in industry for over 20 years, both full time and with his own consulting business. He has been collaborating with the UCF team the past year or so, and is joining the coaching staff to work with the Developmental team.