UCF Team Members

Here are all the current and past team members that have ever been a member of the UCF Programming Team (some early team members may be missing — please contact us!).

  • Charles Bailey

    Charles Bailey

    2019-2020: UCF Mustafar (Regionals: 7th)
    2018-2019: UCF Saffron (Regionals: 2nd)

  • Robert Baldwin

    Robert Baldwin

    2006-2007: UCF Division By Zero (Regionals: 18th)
    2005-2006: UCF Directrix (Regionals: 19th)

  • Sharon Barak

    Sharon Barak

    2021-2022: UCF Iris (Regionals: 1st; NAC: TBD; World Finals: TBD)
    2020-2021: UCF Slow Cooker (Regionals: 2nd; NADC: 1st in South & 4th overall; NAC: 19th; World Finals: TBD)
    2019-2020: UCF Pandora (Regionals: 3rd)
    2018-2019: UCF Mint (Regionals: 5th)

  • Ahmad Barhamje

    Ahmad Barhamje

    2020-2021: UCF Iron (Regionals: 3rd)
    2019-2020: UCF Kamino (Regionals: 1st, NAC: 6th)
    2018-2019: UCF Saffron (Regionals: 2nd)
    2017-2018: UCF Glyptodon (Regionals: 4th)

  • SteVen Batten

    SteVen Batten

    2013-2014: UCF Buyan (Regionals: 6th)
    2012-2013: UCF Adventure (Regionals: 6th)
    2011-2012: UCF Fallacy (Regionals: 14th)

  • Nick Beato

    Nick Beato

    2004-2005: UCF Tachyon (Regionals: 7th)
    2003-2004: UCF Tsunami (Regionals: 11th)
    2002-2003: UCF Galahad (Regionals: 10th)

  • Ryan Beck

    Ryan Beck

    2017-2018: UCF Archaeopteryx (Regionals: 6th)

  • Pablo Beltran

    Pablo Beltran

    2018-2019: UCF Saffron (Regionals: 2nd)
    2017-2018: UCF Gojirasaurus (Regionals: 8th)
    2016-2017: UCF Zion (Regionals: 9th)

  • Lee Berman

    Lee Berman

    2014-2015: UCF Tesla (Regionals: 13th)
    2013-2014: UCF Valhalla (Regionals: 9th)

  • Jeff Beyerl

    Jeff Beyerl

    2006-2007: UCF Stack Overflow (Regionals: 11th)

  • John Boswell

    John Boswell

    2014-2015: UCF Decimole (Regionals: 1st; World Finals: 28th out of 128)
    2013-2014: UCF Buyan (Regionals: 6th)
    2012-2013: UCF Infinity (Regionals: 7th)
    2011-2012: UCF Contradiction (Regionals: 5th)
    2010-2011: UCF Khan (Regionals: 10th)

  • Tyler Brazill

    Tyler Brazill

    2014-2015: UCF Decimole (Regionals: 1st; World Finals: 28th out of 128)
    2013-2014: UCF Avalon (Regionals: 7th)
    2012-2013: UCF Panda (Regionals: 15th)

  • David Brickeen

    David Brickeen

    2016-2017: UCF Glacier (Regionals: 2nd)
    2015-2016: UCF Stingray (Regionals: 15th)

  • William Brigham

    William Brigham

    2019-2020: UCF Mobius (Regionals: 6th)
    2017-2018: UCF Gojirasaurus (Regionals: 8th)

  • Bill Brown

    Bill Brown

    1989-1990: UCF Team A (Regionals: 1st; World Finals: 16th)

  • Chris Bubelis

    Chris Bubelis

    1998-1999: UCF Green (Regionals: 4th)
    1997-1998: UCF Red (Regionals: 8th)

  • David Buchanan

    David Buchanan

    1999-2000: UCF Dragon (Regionals: 20th)
    1998-1999: UCF Orange (Regionals: 5th)